Travel Tips
- Ensure that all the exterior doors of your home are equipped with good
quality locks (including those to an outside porch, balcony, garage or
- If possible, arrange for someone to check on your home when you're away.
This will ensure that any problems are spotted quickly and action taken.
- Place some of the lights inside your home on variable timing devices to
give a lived-in appearance.
- Check that your home owners/contents policy is up to date and that any
expensive items you may be taking on your trip are insured.
- Ensure that passports and visa are up to date and valid.
- Make a list of travellers cheques and photocopy important travel
documents including airline or any other tickets, passport, visa and
vaccination records. Put them in your suitcase and hand luggage and
leave a copy at home.
- Take out proper travel insurance and check that it provides suitable
cover for your trip.
- If driving during your trip, ensure you have adequate insurance cover.
- Ensure that your travel or private health insurance policy provides
adequate medical cover - do not rely solely on the E111. (The E111
medical system is designed to provide free or low cost medical treatment
in Europe and only covers emergency treatment. The full cost of
treatment is unlikely to be covered and travellers often have to pay a
large percentage of the medical bill).
- It is important that you have all the necessary vaccinations for the
country you are visiting.
- If you are travelling to an 'at risk' area, it is prudent to acquire an
analysis or profile of the country prior to the trip. This knowledge can
help you assess the risks and take any necessary precautions during your
- Give your travel plans, hotel details and arrival/departure dates to at
least two people you can trust.
- When packing, do not put valuables in 'checked-in' baggage.
- Arrange for pets to be properly looked after.
- Cancel milk and newspaper deliveries.